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 battalion wars review

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PostSubject: battalion wars review   battalion wars review I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 5:41 pm

battalion wars review Battal10
Published by: Nintendo
Developed by: Kuju Entertainment
Release Date: September 20, 2005
Genre: Third-Person Action

What would you do when you have to make, quick real-time strategy decisions off the top of your head any moment? Well you probably get a strategy game of course... That's when you get a real-time strategy action game, or is better known as Battalion Wars for the GC (Game Cube)

Battalion wars is part of the Advance Wars company. Originally was going to be called Advance Wars: Under Fire, Advance Wars came from the GameBoy advance, to the GameCube.

Gameplay... 9/10
Graphics... 9/10
Sound... 8/10

battalion wars review Battal12

Who's who:
When you first start the game yor the Western frontier, (Green)
You will soon see the Tundran Terriories, (Red)
Once you get in the middle of the game, the Xalvanians will come, (Blue)
When your a quarter away from ending the game, you'll meet the Solor Empire, (Gray)
At the end you will see the, Iron league, (Purple)
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Number of posts : 152
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PostSubject: Re: battalion wars review   battalion wars review I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 5:46 pm

i loved this game soo much!
its kinda hard l8er in game
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PostSubject: Re: battalion wars review   battalion wars review I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 8:37 pm

Moved to Other Reviews
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PostSubject: Re: battalion wars review   battalion wars review I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 12:24 pm

Sorry but this isn't much of a review. U say what the game is, u also said little of who u playing as but that it. U need tell how the games played.

In a review u most have, Till whats going to be in the game(Freachers), How the games played(Gameplay), some of it story(don't give to much spoiler) Graphics should be said on level design and animtions, some of Ur Opinions about all I said there, and easy to spot Pros and Cons
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PostSubject: Re: battalion wars review   battalion wars review I_icon_minitime

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