Normal User Part
1:Type: /me (insert message here)
Description: This removes your name from automatically posting with your message.
EX: Typing: /me is writing a chat tutorial to avoid teaching every new member *
* Ghost is writing a chat tutorial to avoid teaching every new member*:will show up in chat
Instead of
@ Ghost : Ghost is writing a chat tutorial to avoid teaching every new member
2:Type: /away
Description:This puts you in the away mode in the chat box
Ghost is away:will show up in chat
3:Type: /away (insert message here)
Description: This will give a reason as to why you are away
EX:Typing: /away to write thread
Ghost is away : to write thread : will show up in chat
Chat Moderator Part
If you are a chat mod, you will have @ before your name in chat. EX:@ C-Dog
These are the special commands you can give in chat. NOTE: You cannot ban another chat mod. You also cannot use any of these commands on a chat admin. It simply will not work if you try either.
4:Type:/kick (insert username)
Description:This allows you to kick unruly users as a warning to stop there unacceptable behavior
EX:Typing:/kick C-Dog
C-Dog has been kicked by Ghost:will show up in chat
5:Type:/ban (insert username)
Description: This is the last resort. When a member is being so abusive and rude that you have to temporarily ban them, until a Site Moderator deals with it.
EX:Typing:/ban Mr.Squirrel
Mr. Squirrel has been banned by Ghost:will show up in chat
6:Type:/unban (insert username)
Description: This is used to let a member return to chat.
EX:Typing:/unban Mr. Squirrel
Mr. Squirrel has been unbanned by Ghost :will show up in chat
[url=]Chat Tutorial[ /url]<--- Link to this thread
(remove url space)...........................................................................................................................^space here