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 Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS

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PostSubject: Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS   Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 2:26 pm

Part 1; Installing the homebrew channel using Bannerbomb
What you'll need:

  • A wii (obviously)
  • An SD card
  • Snacks
  • Winrar


  1. If your SD card has a "private" folder, go ahead and delete it
  2. Put the modified private folder on the root of your SD card
  3. Now put boot.elf on the root of your SD card
  4. Without SD card inside of the wii and turn your wii on. Click the little round icon in the bottom left corner(wii options) Click data management, channels, SD card.
  5. Now put your SD card into your wii and a message should appear asking to load boot.elf.
    Only download the homebrew channel, not the other things on the list it offers, if you want to download something else, ask me first

You now should have the homebrew channel with nothing installed on it. Boring right? Put your SD card back into your computer and continue to part 2 of this tutorial.

This completes section 1 of the tutorial

Part two(gecko os)

  1. Make a folder on the root of your SD card called "apps" (without the quotes)
  2. Download the gecko os zip folder
  3. In the zip folder click gecko1901>gecko1901>HbC and put that gecko1901 folder in your new apps folder
  4. Go ahead and download the ocarina code manager to your desktop, we'll use it soon
  5. Now it may get a little bit tricky. Make a folder on the root of your SD card called codes
  6. In the codes folder make a simple text file with the following format

    Insert game id here
    insert Game name here


    insert Code name here
    insert code here

    insert Code name here
    insert code here


    and save it as insert game id here.txt
    Here's some codes
  7. Now go into the cheat code manager we saved to our desktop earlier and choose the "open a txt file" option. Check the boxes by the codes you want activated when you play animal crossing and click export to GCT. In the dropdown list that it has make sure it has your sd card selected and not a part of your pc.
  8. Put your Sd into your wii with the game you added codes for inserted in the disk slot.
  9. Click the homebrew channel>gecko os> select the top choice, load disk drive or something of the sort and your codes will apply.

I will provide a sample code list in the next post.
Thanks for following this tutorial.
The next post has codes for animal crossing cityfolk.

Last edited by Bulldog on Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:02 pm; edited 19 times in total
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Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS   Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 2:29 pm

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Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS   Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2009 4:36 pm

Click if this thing is way over your head
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Number of posts : 51
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Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS   Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 3:37 pm

Video tutorial
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PostSubject: Re: Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS   Homebrew Channel+Gecko OS I_icon_minitime

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