Tales of Symphonia 2 is one of the funnest games i have ever played so far.It has everything,a great story line,funny and random characters,and a whole lotta adventure!
It has about 15 characters you can have in your party.Also you can go to the wild and capture wild animals to be on your team and train them with love and care to level them up and let them evolve.
The fighting in this game is one word "awesome" in some RPG games you really try to avoid fighting.But in this game you cant stop doing it!
The story line is basically about how there are these special monsters called "centurions" that the vanguard[bad group] and the Church of Martel [another bad group] are trying to collect them to conquer the world.And you Emil and Marta are trying to prevent that.So you to embark in a adventure to try to find the centurions and make sure that the vanguard and the church of martel dont get them.During your adventure you will encounter,new friends that help you on your journey,monsters,vanguard and the church of martel.They will keep trying to stop you from ruining there plans so they are trying to kill you two during your journey.
So overall this game will keep you excited,keep you having fun,and maybe a few little laughs!
I played and beat this game and it is really fun and it last long so its good if you dont like buying a new game everyday.
Try it out I'm sure you'll love it!
Storyline 7/10
by:James a.k.a loopyspyder