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 RMT OU Pokemon KP

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PostSubject: RMT OU Pokemon KP   RMT OU Pokemon KP I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 12:31 pm

Lead: Azelf @ Colbur Berry(Dark weakness)
Naive (+speed, -special defence)
EVs: 252 speed,
- Imprison
- Stealth Rock
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
Set to counter an Aerodactyl/Gyarados start by being immune to EQ and packing T-bolt to hit them for weakness! Weavile leads is the reason you see Colbur berry there, you survive a Night Slash and hopefully hit it again to get past Focus Sash. Imprison + Stealth Rock will stop them from setting up the critical hazard themselves and allow you to place your own. Azelf might also catch them by suprise by not allowing an Exploding lead to blow. Your last slot, Explosion is well, you explode when ready and do massive damage. Azelf can take advantage of that Levitate ability for predicting switch-ins later. Now look at that, we didn't have to use our Focus Sash so early and predictable Very Happy

Lol brb to add more...
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Number of posts : 152
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RMT OU Pokemon KP Empty
PostSubject: Re: RMT OU Pokemon KP   RMT OU Pokemon KP I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 8:34 am

RMT OU Pokemon KP Effthis
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Number of posts : 255
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RMT OU Pokemon KP Empty
PostSubject: Re: RMT OU Pokemon KP   RMT OU Pokemon KP I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 11:19 am

RMT OU Pokemon KP Effthis

bad link, James
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PostSubject: Re: RMT OU Pokemon KP   RMT OU Pokemon KP I_icon_minitime

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