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 Animal Crossing Cityfolk codes[RUUE01]

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Animal Crossing Cityfolk codes[RUUE01] Empty
PostSubject: Animal Crossing Cityfolk codes[RUUE01]   Animal Crossing Cityfolk codes[RUUE01] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 8:50 pm

Game ID: RUUE01

Codes by Virus:

Infinite Bells (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
04E27D34 0001869F
E0000000 80008000

Face Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2EFEA 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

00 Male Brown Eyes Mascara
01 Male brows
02 Male blue eyes lids
03 Male blue, small pupil brows
04 Male normal brown eyes
05 Male arch eyes
06 Male cheeky
07 Male small pupil, no brows
08 Female anime eyes
09 Female oval eyelash
0A Female cheeky
0B Female blue eyes, lids
0C Female mascara
0D Female arch eyes, lash
0E Female standard
0F Female mascara, brows

Descriptions taken from AnimalMap.

Hair Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2EFEB 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Hair styles:
00 male regular
01 male cowlick
02 male covereye
03 male spikey
04 male coiff
05 male one spike
06 male bowlcut, 2 lines
07 male bowlcut
08 male cone
09 male long, shaggy
0A male parted
0B male short, shaggy
0C male messy
0D female regular
0E female ears long
0F female pig tails
10 female triagle spikes
11 female pony tail
12 female pony stub
13 female ears short
14 female curls
15 female long, pony tail
16 female ?
17 female ?
18 female ?
19 female messy

Some descriptions taken from AnimalMap.

Hair Color Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2EFEC 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Emotion 1 Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2F214 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Emotion 2 Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2F215 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Emotion 3 Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2F216 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Emotion 4 Modifier (Player 1)


285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2F217 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Emotion List:


00 Close (unfinished?)
01 Anger
02 Shock
03 Laughter
04 Surprise
05 Outrage
06 Distress
07 Fear
08 Sorrow
09 Disinterest
0A Joy
0B Curiosity
0C Inspiration
0D Glee
0E Thought
0F Sadness
10 Heartbreak
11 Mischief
12 Sleepiness
13 Love
14 Happiness
15 Irritation
16 Worry
17 Bashfulness
18 Disbelief
19 Agreement
1A Delight
1B Resignation
1C Disappointment
1D Realization
FF None

Code by Maniac:

Revive All Flowers
A B C Z 1


206E23C0 00007400
C0000000 00000006
3D4090E8 614AF054
396A3202 7C0A5800
4C800020 A5AA0002
39ADFF42 280D001E
4181FFEC 39AD009E
E0000000 80008000

Codes by Virus:

Moon Jump (Hold B)


04E9D054 40A00000
286DFC80 FBFF0400
04E9D054 C0000000
E0000000 80008000

If you don't like the speed you're falling at (too fast),
replace the first line with: 04E9D054 40000000

If you don't like the speed you're rising at (too slow),
replace the third line with: 04E9D054 C0A00000

You can also experiment with the values until you find a speed you like.
These are floating-point values!

Restore Grass (Press Plus)


286DFC80 00000010
42000000 90000000
00E92896 18FF00FF
E0000000 80008000

Remove Grass (Press Minus)


286DFC80 00001000
42000000 90000000
00E92896 18FF0000
E0000000 80008000

Note about the grass codes: Activate while talking to
Rover since your town needs to prepare for the changes to take effect.
Restoring grass will remove all of the random dirt patches that are
around your town and cause grass along ponds and rivers to be longer
than usual.

Grass Modifier


04162930 60000000
42000000 90000000
00E94198 000000XX
E0000000 80008000

Replace XX with a value ranging from 0 to 0x15.
This code changes the type of grass in your town (e.g. normal green or snowy).

Short version:
04162974 386000XX

Grass Can't Be Trampled


042B62EC 60000000

I haven't done much testing with this code, but it seems to work.

Code by Virus:

Unbury All Items

285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
02E92256 018F0000
E0000000 80008000

Text to Item

Converted from the ac:ww version (ARM ASM) to AC:CF (PowerPC ASM) by Maniac
Thanks Virus for the new Text Address and others. ^_^

For those who don't know how to use this you type the hex of the item you want to have in slot 1 of your inventory (Yes, it overwrites what is there currently) So if I type 9010 then send it I will have a cherry in the first inventory slot. You can use uppercase or lowercase.

Now works with all offline players.

Press Plus + Z + C after you send the message

286DFC80 9FEF6010
C0000000 0000000C
3F608062 637B5477
38A00000 3920000C
8D5B0002 2C0A003A
41800008 394A0009
714A000F 7D4A4830
7CA55214 3929FFFC
2C090000 4080FFDC
3F6090E2 637BEB22
3FC0805D 8BDE2477
38600000 606386C0
7FDE19D6 7F7BF214
B0BB0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000

Updated! ^_^

I haven't seen any Item Modifier codes for Players 2-4, so here goes.

Player 2 Item Modifier

206E23C0 00006C08 <-- Your activator of choice (this one is set to C/Z/A/B/D-Up)
42000000 90000000
02E371E2 0000XXXX <-- slot 1
02E371E4 0000XXXX <-- slot 2
02E371E6 0000XXXX <-- slot 3
02E371E8 0000XXXX <-- slot 4
02E371EA 0000XXXX <-- slot 5
02E371EC 0000XXXX <-- slot 6
02E371EE 0000XXXX <-- slot 7
02E371F0 0000XXXX <-- slot 8
02E371F2 0000XXXX <-- slot 9
02E371F4 0000XXXX <-- slot 10
02E371F6 0000XXXX <-- slot 11
02E371F8 0000XXXX <-- slot 12
02E371FA 0000XXXX <-- slot 13
02E371FC 0000XXXX <-- slot 14
02E371FE 0000XXXX <-- slot 15
E0000000 80008000

Player 3 Item Modifier

206E23C0 00006C08 <-- Your activator of choice (this one is set to C/Z/A/B/D-Up)
42000000 90000000
02E3F8A2 0000XXXX <-- slot 1
02E3F8A4 0000XXXX <-- slot 2
02E3F8A6 0000XXXX <-- slot 3
02E3F8A8 0000XXXX <-- slot 4
02E3F8AA 0000XXXX <-- slot 5
02E3F8AC 0000XXXX <-- slot 6
02E3F8AE 0000XXXX <-- slot 7
02E3F8B0 0000XXXX <-- slot 8
02E3F8B2 0000XXXX <-- slot 9
02E3F8B4 0000XXXX <-- slot 10
02E3F8B6 0000XXXX <-- slot 11
02E3F8B8 0000XXXX <-- slot 12
02E3F8BA 0000XXXX <-- slot 13
02E3F8BC 0000XXXX <-- slot 14
02E3F8BE 0000XXXX <-- slot 15
E0000000 80008000

Player 4 Item Modifier

206E23C0 00006C08 <-- Your activator of choice (this one is set to C/Z/A/B/D-Up)
42000000 90000000
02E47F62 0000XXXX <-- slot 1
02E47F64 0000XXXX <-- slot 2
02E47F66 0000XXXX <-- slot 3
02E47F68 0000XXXX <-- slot 4
02E47F6A 0000XXXX <-- slot 5
02E47F6C 0000XXXX <-- slot 6
02E47F6E 0000XXXX <-- slot 7
02E47F70 0000XXXX <-- slot 8
02E47F72 0000XXXX <-- slot 9
02E47F74 0000XXXX <-- slot 10
02E47F76 0000XXXX <-- slot 11
02E47F78 0000XXXX <-- slot 12
02E47F7A 0000XXXX <-- slot 13
02E47F7C 0000XXXX <-- slot 14
02E47F7E 0000XXXX <-- slot 15
E0000000 80008000

Code by Virus:

Real Time World Edit v2

286DFC80 BFFB4004
C0000000 00000016
3CA080E6 892538D7
894538DB 3BC00010
3929FFF0 394AFFF0
2809004F 41810090
280A004F 41810088
7CA9F3D6 7F6AF3D6
1F7B0005 7CA5DA14
7C69F3D6 1C630010
7D234850 1D290002
7C6AF3D6 1C630010
7D435050 1D4A0020
1CA50200 7CA54A14
7CA55214 3D2090E8
6129F056 7FC54A14
3F608062 637B5477
38A00000 3920000C
8D5B0002 2C0A003A
41800008 394A0009
714A000F 7D4A4830
7CA55214 3929FFFC
2C090000 4080FFDC
B0BE0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000

Type the item's hex code into the chat, submit the message, and press C+Down. Thanks to Maniac for porting the AC:WW Text to Item code over to PowerPC assembly. Only press C+Down while outside in your town! Pressing it anywhere else could cause unfortunate results. This should not be a problem with v2.

Code by Virus:

Teleport (A+Up/Down)

C0000000 0000000B
3CA0806D 60A5FC80
A3C50000 3CA0817F
60A5FFEC 3D2080E6
612917A4 39400003
7D4903A6 2C1E0804
41820010 2C1E0808
41820018 4E800020
87650004 97690004
87690004 97650004

Press A+Up to save your current position. Press A+Down to teleport back to your saved position.

Tan Modifier (Player 1)

285EB8E4 00000100
42000000 90000000
00E2EFF8 0000000X
E0000000 80008000

0 - No Tan
E - Darkest (F will also work)

Real Time Search and Replace

What this code does is it searches for an item that you specify (XXXX) on the map and replaces all instances of it with another item you specify (YYYY). This code was ported from the DS version of Animal Crossing (original code made by me, Maniac) with the help of dragonboy269.. thanks for rearranging some things and getting my lazy bum to do/finish it. >_>

How to use:
Type "xxxx yyyy" into the chat and send it, then press the buttons.
xxxx = the item to search for
yyyy = the item to replace it with

C + Right

285EB8E4 BFFD4002
C0000000 00000010
3F608062 637B5477
3A200000 38A00000
3920000C 8D5B0002
2C0A003A 41800008
394A0009 714A000F
7D4A4830 7CA55214
3929FFFC 2C090000
4080FFDC 3A310001
2C110001 40820010
3B7B0002 7CA32B78
61CEF054 3A2E31FE
A76E0002 7C1B1800
40820008 B0AE0000
7C0E8800 4081FFEC
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Codes by the specified members of It's a great site for codes but I will do my best to post the ones that the members use most.
Thanks to Vash on game-hackers for letting me post these codes.
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Animal Crossing Cityfolk codes[RUUE01]
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