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 Grand Theft Auto IV Review

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PostSubject: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 2:46 pm

Grand Theft Auto- A criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle.

Grand Theft Auto IV Review Grand-theft-auto-iv

Grand Theft Auto IV Review Grand-theft-auto-iv-screenshots-20070329032013239_640w

Grand Theft Auto starts out with introducing you to a the main character "Niko Bellic" as he was persuaded to come to Liberty City by his cousin "Roman". Before Niko goes to Liberty City, Roman told Niko that his life there was wonderful full of riches and luxury. After Niko has finally met his cousin Roman he found out all these things he told him were lies. While Roman is in being abused by gangsters because he owes them money, Niko has to save him from all his troubles. Through the game Niko meets more troubles trying to make a new life in America.

Grand Theft Auto IV Review Grand-theft-auto-iv-20070626091437861_640w

Grand Theft Auto is a third-person shooting and driving game. The game also is very open so that Niko can do a variety of things such as walking, running, swimming, climbing, jumping, hand-to-hand combat, picking up prostitutes, running from the cops, killing people, using weapons, and stealing vehicles. All these things Niko can do and more. In the game you can choose how you would like to play it. Except for the missions you have to pass them exactly as the game was programmed.

"I Am Niko"
Grand Theft Auto IV Review GTAIV_in-game_screenshot

Niko in a gun battle can cover himself, use blindfire, and free aim. When his gun locks on to a person the target has different colors. If the target is green most likely it is a civilian that is not a threat. Red means that the target is a threat and Niko has to kill him. When Niko gets injured he can recover his health by eating, drinking soda, using a medical kit, or sleeping. If it is too late and he doesn't get healed he has to go to a hospital and in the end loses 10% of money. In Grand Theft Auto there are wanted stars, the more havoc you cause the more wanted stars you get. The stars go up all the way to 6 stars as being the max and 1 star as being the lowest. Niko can also escape by using "Pay N Spray", trying to escape while handcuffed, or changing vehicles so the cops wont notice. Being arrested will get Niko's weapons confiscated.

Nice Ride
Grand Theft Auto IV Review Confident

The things that Niko can do to cars are drive them of course, hotwire the car, and smash the glass of the car to get in. Niko can also fly helicopters. for direction in the game Niko uses a minimap. In luxury cars a voice is included to tell the directions. Making "waypoints" to the map are making the fastest legal route between Niko and the destination on the minimap. One more thing for transportation would be a taxi. A taxi lets you as the player travel without driving. Once you get into any car you can listen to music.

Idk My Bff Jill
Grand Theft Auto IV Review Gta4

Communication in the game is that Niko gets a phone, that can be very useful. On the phone Niko can view text messages, take photos, and appointments to visit any of his friends.

Grand Theft Auto IV Review Gta-multiplayer-1

An addition to Grand Theft Auto would be the Online, where 16 players could kill each other in 15 modes of play. On "Online" you can use a customizable character and just explore the city, but don't forget not to get shot. There are a variety of games modes such as Team Deathmatch, Team Mafiya Work, Team Car Jack City, Cops n' Crooks, Turf War, Race, GTA Race variation, Hangman's N.O.O.S.E, Deal Breaker, chase a group of enemies before they escape, and Bomb da Base II. The Online also has free mode.

IGN - Images
Google - Images
(I also have the game)

Judging Of The Game
Graphics 5/5
Sound 5/5
Gameplay 5/5
Longevity 5/5
Score 20/20 A

By Shippuden90 A.K.A Blink

Last edited by Blink on Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 3:01 pm

Nice review. I like the platform and all, but you spread it out a little too much.
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Number of posts : 255
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 11:51 am

Great Pics, i am going to buy that game when i get my PS3
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 9:44 pm

Great review!
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2009 1:57 pm

I really miss your reviews, Joe.
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Number of posts : 255
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PostSubject: Moderated   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 1:30 pm

This topic has been moved
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 2:02 pm

Ghost wrote:
This topic has been moved
Yeah, I saw that.
Nice work.
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 11:45 am

nice review Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Grand Theft Auto IV Review   Grand Theft Auto IV Review I_icon_minitime

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