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 Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?

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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? Empty
PostSubject: Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?   Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:24 am

I think I am. To a beach, probably. Not sure which one, though.
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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?   Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:25 am

No, we don't have the money sadly. Sad
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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?   Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:45 am

I went to Six Flags. I got on every rollercoaster except Kingda ka -_-. Last time I went I rode it, but this time it was shutdown for the weather.
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Number of posts : 181
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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?   Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:58 am

Ghost wrote:
I went to Six Flags. I got on every rollercoaster except Kingda ka -_-. Last time I went I rode it, but this time it was shutdown for the weather.
Aww man, you're so lucky!
Haha! =)
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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?   Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year? I_icon_minitime

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Are you/did you go(ing) on a vacation this year?
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