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 PSULucky's Application

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Number of posts : 65
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PSULucky's Application Empty
PostSubject: PSULucky's Application   PSULucky's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:42 am

Position you are applying for: Ideas Group
Experience: As the administrator of my own site much like this, I feel as though I may have some ideas that could help better the forum. Usually I'm good with the creative kind of stuff.
Why you would make a good staff member: I think I can help give a lot to this site. As I mentioned above, I have my own site, too. So I know exactly what it is like trying to make a good forum. I'd love to collaborate with other users to help come up with unique ideas.
Bribe: Some cake...and even a donut. And perhaps a few new members.

Thank you for reading over my application. It is very much appreciated.
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Number of posts : 255
Karma : 24

PSULucky's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: PSULucky's Application   PSULucky's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 6:21 pm

This position has been terminated. Apply for a position that has openings

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PSULucky's Application
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