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Home[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_mini_portalGalleryLatest imagesChatRegisterLog inRulesAwards


 [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?

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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 11:38 am

[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Loopyspyder-albums-random-pics-picture57079-modern-warfare-2

Remember this is just a rumor i read on a nintendo site!
Ther is a "possibility" that Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2 is coming out for wii.But dont get your hopes up because its a slight chance.Its still can be excpected cheers
So cross your fingers so we can have another great online game for wii!Activision still doesnt have a accurate answer yet but its under high consideration.

Imagine this on wii lolk
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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 6:03 pm

Nice work James. You're developing a great style. Keep working on it, I like it.
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Number of posts : 152
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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 3:49 pm

i hope its reaaalll!
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lil T

lil T

Number of posts : 27
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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 3:29 pm

it come out for ds and wii i think soposed to.

Last edited by lil T on Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 26
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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 7:58 pm

They're not going to release Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 on Wii at the same time. Saleswise the first one would suffer greatly.
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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?   [RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii? I_icon_minitime

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[RUMOR] Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?
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